
Black Desert Online.


The Discord bot for Black Desert Online

The Bot you love to hate.

Keep Track of the Guild Gear.

Easy to use and simple.

Example of bot commands:

Text Commands

Short Commands

  • !ap xxx - Updates the current AP.
  • !aap xxx - Updates the current AAP.
  • !dp xxx - Updates the current DP.
  • !accuracy xxx - Updates the current ACCURACY.
  • !eva xxx - Updates the current EVASION
  • !dr xxx - Updates the current DAMAGE REDUCTION
  • !link xxx.(png/jpg) - Updates the current LINK. Also supports image as attachment.
  • !class Ninja - Updates the current CLASS.
  • !level 61 - Updates the current LEVEL.
  • !trinaaxe/axe/trina III - Updates the current TRINAAXE. Please choose one of the following: I/II/III/IV/V
  • !plan https://bdoplanner.com/PersonalLumberFist - Updates the link to the gear planner. Please choose one of the following: bdoplanner, bddatabase


  • !help - provides information to what commands are available. Note some commands are only available for specific discord roles.
  • !feedback message - This will send the message to my masters. I also respond to this command in pm.
  • !gear - displays your current gear or updates current one, to update
  • !gear @member @member - displays the gear of mentioned members
  • !gear ap:xxx aap:xxx dp:xxx accuracy:xxx link:link.png plan:bdoplanner class:xxx level:xxx trinaaxe:I/II/III/IV/V - updated the current stats. Supports image as attachment.
  • !list - This will provide a list with all members, sorted alphabetically.
  • !list score/total/aap/ap/dp/level/accuracy - This will provide a list with all members, sorted by the stat. Note Only one stat can be used at a time.
  • !list class - This will provide a list with all members, filtered by class.
  • !stats - This will provide information about the guild average stats.
  • !top ap/aap/dp/level/score/accuracy 10 - This will provide a list with top members by stat.

Officer Commands

  • !remind - This will send private messages reminding members to set their gear.
  • !remind level:xxx - Reminds everybody who is below the level.
  • !remind total:xxx - Reminds everybody who is below the total gear score.
  • !delete - Deletes the gear information.
  • !delete @mention - Deletes the mentioned member gear.
  • !delete ID - Deletes the member gear by id (use if the member cannot see gear channels).
  • {prefix}update @member @member ap:xxx aap:xxx dp:xxx accuracy:xxx link:link.png plan:bdoplanner class:xxx level:xxx trinaaxe:I/II/III/IV/V - updated the gear of mentioned members


